How To Shoot In Netball: A Comprehensive Review

Blog, Netball tips and Techniques
9 August 2023
Netball Shooting techniques, common mistakes to avoid, how to shoot in netball

So you think shooting in netball is a piece of cake, huh? Well, think again. Perfecting your shooting technique requires more than just throwing the ball up in the air and hoping for the best. It takes skill, practice, and mental preparation. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered with this comprehensive review on how to shoot in netball.

In this article, you’ll learn all the ins and outs of shooting technique, from positioning your body correctly to flicking your hand forward for accuracy. We’ll also delve into the BEEF acronym, which reminds you of the key aspects of shooting – Balance, Eyes, Elbow, and Follow through.

And don’t forget about the importance of practice. We’ll provide you with shooting drills that you can do alone or with a partner to simulate game pressure and receive valuable feedback.

So buckle up and get ready to take your shooting skills to the next level. Because after reading this article, you’ll be shooting like a pro in no time.

Perfecting Your Technique

To perfect your shooting technique in netball, it is crucial to position your body correctly. Ensure that your feet are shoulder-width apart, with one foot slightly in front of the other for balance. Next, hold the ball in your shooting hand, keeping it high above your head.

When shooting the netball, stand a little further back from the hoop to practice shooting from a distance. Bend your knees and jump before releasing the ball, flicking your hand forward for accuracy. Remember to maintain a straight back throughout the shot and think of your elbow as a lever for a consistent and powerful release.

To improve your shooting accuracy, remember the BEEF acronym: Balance, Eyes, Elbow, and Follow through. Keep your feet balanced and shoulder-width apart, focus your eyes on where you want the ball to go, keep your elbow close to your ears, and flick your hand and wrist at the end of the shot.

By practicing these techniques and incorporating the BEEF acronym, you can perfect your shooting skills in netball.

Position your body to shoot.

Mastering the art of shooting in netball requires a keen understanding of how to position your body for optimal accuracy and power. Your body position plays a crucial role in the success of your shot. To ensure you have a strong foundation, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, maintaining a balanced and stable stance. Keep your hips and shoulders in a straight line, avoiding any leaning forward that could affect your shot trajectory. In the table below, you will find a breakdown of the key elements to focus on when positioning your body for a shot:

Key Elements

By maintaining proper body positioning, you will have a solid base from which to generate power and accuracy in your shot. Remember to practice this technique consistently to build muscle memory and improve your shooting performance.

Place the ball in your hands.

To place the ball in your hands, follow these steps:

  1. Gently cradle the ball in your hands, allowing your fingers to grip the surface with just the right amount of pressure. This is a crucial step in shooting in netball, as it sets the foundation for a controlled and accurate shot.
  2. Use your shooting hand to maintain control and stability while holding the ball. Keep your fingers relaxed and rest the ball on the pads of your fingers, spreading them out for better stability.
  3. Avoid applying pressure with your opposite hand, as this can affect your shot. By maintaining proper finger positioning and control, you’ll be able to execute a more accurate and controlled shot, increasing your chances of scoring.

Remember, placing the ball in your hands correctly is essential for a successful shot in netball. Take the time to perfect this technique, and you’ll see improvements in your shooting accuracy.

Shoot the netball

To shoot the netball, follow these steps:

  1. Cradle the ball in your hands and maintain proper finger positioning.
  2. Bend your elbows and knees, keeping your back straight.
  3. Visualize the center of the hoop as your target.
  4. Flick your hand to release the ball towards the net with a smooth and fluid motion.
  5. Follow through by extending your shooting arm and wrist towards the target.
  6. Practice shooting with both hands to develop versatility.
  7. Use visualization techniques to enhance shooting accuracy.
  8. Envision the ball effortlessly swishing through the net.
  9. With proper technique and practice, you will become a confident and effective shooter in netball.

Stand a little further back, bend your knees and jump then throw to perfect your technique from further away.

To enhance your shooting skills and challenge yourself, try taking a step back, bending your knees, and jumping before releasing the ball – it’s a game-changer! Shooting from a distance not only improves your shooting accuracy but also adds variety to your training routine. Here’s how you can perfect your technique from further away:

  1. Stand a little further back: Increase the distance between yourself and the netball hoop to challenge your shooting accuracy and power.
  2. Bend your knees: This helps generate power and momentum for a strong shot.
  3. Jump before releasing the ball: Adding a jump to your shot increases your shooting range and allows you to shoot over defenders.

By incorporating these steps into your shooting practice, you’ll develop the ability to shoot from different positions on the court and become a more versatile and effective shooter.

So, step back, bend those knees, and jump to take your shooting skills to the next level!

Remember the BEEF acronym.

Remember, it’s all about the BEEF – balance, eyes, elbow, and follow through – when perfecting your shooting technique in netball. The BEEF acronym serves as a helpful reminder of the key elements to focus on during your shot. Let’s break it down:

FFollow Through

First, ensure your balance by keeping your feet hip or shoulder-width apart. This will provide a stable foundation for your shot. Next, keep your eyes focused on where you want the ball to go, maintaining a clear target. As you shoot, keep your elbow close to your ears, forming a lever-like motion that adds power and accuracy to your shot. Finally, don’t forget to follow through with your hand and wrist, flicking them forward at the end of the shot. This will help maintain control and accuracy.

By incorporating the BEEF acronym into your shooting technique, you will enhance your overall performance and increase your chances of successful shooting in netball.

Self -guided Shooting technique Checklist

Mastering the art of shooting in netball requires becoming a shooting machine, tirelessly practicing technique and constantly evaluating every aspect of the shot. When shooting alone, focus on shot quality over quantity.

Take shots from different angles around the post and ask key questions:

  • Did you flick your hand at the end?
  • Did your elbows touch your ears throughout?
  • Did you bend your knees?
  • Did you keep your arms stretched above your head?
  • Did you release the ball above your head?

By consistently evaluating and addressing these elements, you can refine shooting technique and become a more accurate and reliable shooter in netball.

Avoid Common mistakes

Avoiding common mistakes in your shooting technique is crucial to becoming a more accurate and reliable shooter in netball. To help you improve your shooting skills, it’s important to be aware of these common pitfalls:

  • Rushing your shot: Take your time to set up your shot properly and focus on your technique. Rushing can lead to poor form and decreased accuracy.
  • Lack of follow-through: Remember to fully extend your shooting arm and flick your wrist at the end of your shot. This helps generate power and accuracy.
  • Neglecting footwork: Proper footwork is essential for balance and stability. Make sure to establish a strong base and maintain your balance throughout your shot.

By avoiding these mistakes, you can enhance your shooting technique and increase your accuracy on the court. Practice regularly, seek feedback, and make adjustments as needed to continue improving your shooting skills.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some common mistakes to avoid when shooting in netball?

To avoid common mistakes when shooting in netball, ensure proper footwork by establishing a strong base. Focus on body positioning, aim for the center of the hoop, follow through with your shooting arm, and practice shooting with both hands.

How can I improve my shooting accuracy in netball?

To incorporate strength and stamina training into your shooting practice, focus on exercises that target your upper body, core, and lower body. Incorporate weightlifting, plyometrics, and cardiovascular exercises to improve overall fitness and shooting performance.

What are some tips for shooting under pressure in game situations?

When shooting under pressure in game situations, focus on your technique and stay confident. Visualize successful shots before shooting and develop a pre-shot routine to get in the right mindset. Communicate with teammates for effective passing and shooting.

How can I incorporate strength and stamina training into my shooting practice?

To incorporate strength and stamina training into your shooting practice, focus on exercises that target your upper body, core, and lower body. Incorporate weightlifting, plyometrics, and cardiovascular exercises to improve overall fitness and shooting performance.

What strategies can I use to mentally prepare for shooting in netball?

To mentally prepare for shooting in netball, focus on visualization techniques to imagine successful shots. Develop a pre-shot routine to get in the right mindset and manage distractions. Stay confident, focused, and relaxed during the shot.


In conclusion, mastering the art of shooting in netball requires a combination of proper technique, practice, and mental preparation. By following the BEEF acronym and implementing shooting drills, you can improve your accuracy and performance on the court.

For example, let’s consider the case of Sarah, a novice shooter who dedicated herself to practicing shooting drills with a defensive partner. Through consistent practice, Sarah was able to develop her shooting technique and gain confidence in game-like situations. As a result, she became a key asset to her team, consistently scoring points and contributing to their success.

Remember, with determination and focused practice, you too can become a proficient shooter in netball.